If this is your first time seeing an escort, you may have a lot on your mind and not be completely sure to go about things. If that’s the case, don’t worry! We’re here to help out to ensure you have a fantastic time with your escort. So read on to learn some tips and important things to be aware of for your first escort experience.
It might feel a little cold and transactional to immediately hand over an envelope of cash to your escort once you meet, but it’s important to get this out of the way as soon as possible so you can both focus on having a great date. Always pay in cash and put the full amount required in the envelope. Negotiating fees is not appropriate and insulting to the lady who does this as her profession. Once you hand over the envelope of cash, allow your escort to leave the room for a moment and count up the bills. Don’t worry, she won’t be long at all and once payment is all settled, she’ll re-enter the room with a wide smile and sexy bedroom eyes that give you a taste of what’s to come.
If you work a 9 to 5 or other regularly scheduled job, you are expected to arrive and leave on time. While for you seeing an escort is purely a relaxing date of fun, for your escort this is her profession and she may be seeing other clients after you. You pay her for her time, and once that time is up, she will be on her way. For this reason, you don’t want to be late for your own escort service, as you will be paying for time that you don’t get to enjoy. Do your best to arrive a little early, especially if you first need to check into a hotel room.
No one likes giving a kiss to someone with bad breath, and no lady likes planting her lips on unclean areas of the body. Make sure to give yourself a good scrub in the shower before your date (but not too early so you don’t build up sweat in between). Don’t forget to brush your teeth and tongue, and bring mints if you’d like. It’s also a good idea to check your fingernails and clip them if they’ve gotten a bit long.
Be aware of lingering smells from cigarettes and alcohol. Even if your body is clean, it can be unpleasant for your lady to take in strong smells of smoke and beer. It’s most respectful to come completely clean to your date and once there, ask her if she’s okay for you to have a drink or smoke in her company.
You are paying for your escorts time, what two consenting adults get up to during that time is up to them. Don’t ever pressure your escort into activities she is not willing to do, as that of course, is assault and a crime you don’t want to be charged with. As a true professional, your escort will always respect your boundaries and ask for permission and consent when engaging in intimate activities. She doesn’t want to push past your limits either, so fostering positive open communication will lead to a pleasurable time for you both. And of course, your escort is an expert at communication, so even if you struggle a little with it, she’ll be sure to confirm that you’re always on the same page.
You might have a list of things you’d like to try with your escort when going into the date, but we encourage you to put it aside and fully embrace the moment. We’ll say it again and again, but your escort is an expert who knows what she’s doing, and list or not, you’ll walk out feeling like you’re floating above the clouds. Trust that you’ll be in good hands and will enjoy meaningful conversation and fulfilling intimacy.
Now that you’re an expert on how best to prepare for a wonderful date, make sure to give a good browse of our London escorts gallery to find yourself the perfect lady to enjoy that date with!